Experience 0% downtime for your business services!

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No more RECONNECTING, REFRESHING & REDIALING with Fusion’s Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) solution that helps businesses fuse multiple connections from different ISPs together to stop downtime, increase speed, have clear voice calls, monitor ISP performance, control bandwidth usage & have greater connection security.

A solution designed  for small to medium businesses that want the critical connectivity benefits in one automated plug-in solution, that does not need technical skills. When downtime causes a loss in productivity, loss in revenue & inability to communicate, install Fusion’s solution to take control of connectivity, stay 100% connected , ensure the ISP delivers connectivity being paid for & stop users from abusing business connectivity.

Fusion, winner of the IBM Beacon Award for Outstanding Infrastructure Services Solution, has a track record in seven countries, serving over 200 MSPs, over 2000 multisite PWANs & over 3500 voice customers. Only SD-WAN certified by IBM & Red Hat. An SD-WAN solution by supported our multi tenanted hub & spoke architecture.

One easy to install solution to solve all these common connection problems: Unreliable Failing Connections, Idle Wasted Bandwidth, Slow Uploads / Downloads, Bad Quality Voice Calls, Unsecure Vulnerable Connections, Bandwidth Being Abused and High Network Costs. Request a demonstration & test the solution.

Fusion SD-WAN solves common connectivity problems

Unreliable Failing Connections

A business dependant on a single connection is guaranteed to experience a connection failure due to an unplanned event. Fusion SD-WAN mitigates the risk of downtime and improves connection reliability by fusing multiple fixed and wireless connections together to provide an aggregated resilient connection that never drops if a connection fails. Online users will not notice that a connection has failed, as the SD-WAN solution delivers a seamless experience & is best suited to South Africa with good and bad ISP networks.

Idle Wasted Bandwidth

Many businesses are paying for an idle second connection which is only used when the primary connection fails using a manual change over process. Fusion SD-WAN enables aggregated bandwidth usage by consolidating bandwidth from each connection into one large connection used by the business continuously. A business can achieve greater resilience by spreading bandwidth over at least two connections. Note – having two connection types from the same ISP does not offer true resilience and it is better having fibre from one ISP and fixed wireless from another ISP.

Slow Uploads / Downloads

Legacy connectivity used by many businesses fail to cope with congestion which does dramatically affect not only upload and download speeds but responses as well. Fusion SD-WAN uses data compression, multiplexing and smart queuing so that all users have fair access to bandwidth, significantly reducing congestion, accelerating data transfer and improving responses. For areas with limited ISP coverage, multiple connections fused together can provide a greater aggregated bandwidth speed.

Bad Quality Voice Calls

Legacy connectivity cannot cope with bandwidth fluctuations which effects the quality of voice calls when bandwidth congests. Fusion SD-WAN improves voice call quality through bandwidth adaption which can automatically adjust the bandwidth for voice based on the total bandwidth available thereby maintaining stability and improving voice quality of service. Fusion SD-WAN delivers a seamless experience when a connection fails to ensure calls don’t drop and no redial or reconnection is required.

Unsecure Vulnerable Connections

Online threats are common, and many businesses remain vulnerable with very little protection as firewalls are expensive and hard to maintain. Fusion SD-WAN secures connections through data encryption, firewall d and automated security techniques such as threat intelligence and access control. Fusion SD-WAN integrates easily with the businesses existing firewalls, network and technology. (Fusion SDWAN is like having two security guards controlling & monitoring online traffic, one at the site and the other at our aggregator in the data centre)

Bandwidth Being Abused

Connection problems and increased bandwidth costs can be caused by employee bandwidth abuse, old technology, an unreliable ISP not delivering the bandwidth being paid for, as well as the existence of crypto mining and malware. Fusion SD-WAN provides complete visibility of connection performance, online activity of all users or devices on the network, device inventory and the existence of security threats which can be monitored and mitigated. Comprehensive analytics and diagnostics dramatically reduces support time.

High Network Costs

Private wide area network based on MPLS have become very costly to maintain and significant cost savings can be achieved by replacing a legacy MPLS network with an SD-WAN private wide area network. A business creating a private wide area network will benefit from the additional functionality SD-WAN provides as well as the reduction in time and support costs in maintaining the network. An automated, easy to configure & support solution makes deployment so much faster.

Why is Fusion SD-WAN better suited to businesses?


Automated, plug in solution, just add multiple ISP connections


Zero touch, no technical skills required by the business


Use any ISP connections available at the business

Bundle of Benefits

All critical connectivity benefits in one reliable solution

Cost Control

Fixed service price per month & reduces the cost of downtime


Seamlessly works with any ISP, firewall & business network

Contact Fusion Broadband Today!